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How are we different?

  • We’re recognized leaders in advancement services. Founding members of the Association of Advancement Services Professionals (aasp), our team has won the international "best of the best" CASE Platinum Award for Best Practices in Advancement Services Programs, the District V CASE Gold Award for Best Practices in Advancement Services Programs, and a CASE Circle of Excellence Award for Creative Use of Technology in Fundraising.

  • We understand fundraising and technology. We have more than 70 years of experience leveraging technology to build innovative solutions for fundraising. But we also have broad experience in development operations, campaign planning and management. We give you insight into your donor base and a roadmap for turning that insight into real results.

  • We’re constantly innovating. Some of the tools we developed are among the first in our industry, including a prospect mapping and travel planning tool, fundraising visualizations in Tableau, full telefund/CRM database integration, and a report request and communications tracking tool that integrates with CRM databases.

  • We do the heavy lifting. Most data modeling services require endless hours of your staff's time extracting and formatting your data to their specifications. We can extract your data ourselves, and throughout your project, we endeavor to save you time. The result is that everyone on your team can continue to focus on their top priorities.

  • We understand your job. In fact, we probably had your job at some point. Positions we have held include data entry manager, webmaster, SQL programmer, senior applications developer, database developer, director of prospect research and management, director of advancement data systems (2), director of advancement technology and web development, associate vice president of advancement services (2), campaign director, chief of staff, and interim vice president of advancement. We have empathy for everyone up and down the chain of command, from the cubicles to the corner office.

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